At the suggestion of the Learning Network and with funding from WorkSafe WorkWell, ESF developed a framework to guide human resources teams to progress actions at different stages of career to support employees retire in good health and prepare for end-of-career transitions. This framework is evidence-based and takes an organisational and whole-of-career perspective to suggest practical ideas that support wellbeing needs along a range of dimensions.
As well as being holistic and action-oriented, the framework includes links to tools, guides, and samples and will be available as a basic Word document for agencies to brand and adapt to their organisational context.
The framework was developed as one of two major components of ESF’s Well Beyond program. As for the other component, a peer-based transitions coaching pilot, the framework responds to gap in service provisions for older, retiring and retired emergency service workers. Financial preparedness has been the primary focus of retirement, whereas transitioning out of a career in the emergency services is a complex and potentially disruptive experience in a range of social and psychological dimensions.
The framework support retirement preparation by recommending proactive measures to prevent a range of wellbeing issues emerging after they leave service, such as accumulated trauma and the loss of camaraderie, identity, and purpose.