Mental Health Support

When you feel that you are struggling and the need to put your hand up for help there are a range of resources and services to choose from.   As well as the contact points each agency provides for its people there are terrific mental health services anyone in the community can access.  This includes:

Responder Assist

Formerly the Centre of Excellence, Phoenix Australia have launched an information, resource and research center tailored for frontline workers and their support people.

Contact Responder Assist for an independent assessment on 1800 329 191 (during office hours) or leave your details here and they’ll be in touch soon.

Beyond Blue

Anyone feeling anxious or depressed

1300 22 46 36

Check in app

An app for people that want to check in with a friend but are concerned about saying the wrong thing or making the situation worse.


Anyone having a personal crises


MensLine Australia

Men with emotional or relationship concerns

1300 78 99 78

Bush Fire Support Service 

The Bush Fire Support Service offers mental health support to emergency services workers and their families who have
experienced trauma and are seeking support.

The service provides a range of mental health and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) services developed and delivered by the Black Dog Institute and administered by the Department of Home Affairs.

Suicide Call Back Service

24/7 help for anyone contemplating suicide

1300 659 467


Free online or telephone support for 12-25 year olds

1800 650 890


Free LGBTI peer support and referral from 3pm-midnight everyday

1800 184 527

Kids HelpLine

Free phone counselling  for anyone going through a hard time, for ages 5-12, 13-17, 18-25, and for parents/carers and teachers/schools

1800 551 800


Resources to help you have a meaningful conversation

SANE’s Life After Bushfires resources

SANE developed a Life After Bushfires resource for fire-effected people. You can access the site here. It features lived experience stories, information and guidance resources, and also has links to our counselling services and bushfire forums.