ESF Residential Wellbeing Program Pilot

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Residential Wellbeing Program Pilot Online Expression of Interest

Please fill in and submit the form below to apply.

Program Checklist:

  • I have read the ESF website and understand:
    • the purpose of the program
    • it is a pilot program and with limited spaces
    • preferred applicants will undergo psychological and personal assessment to determine suitability for this style of intervention
    • measures taken to protect the privacy of participants.
  • I have conducted a self-assessment against the mental health continuum and consider that I am in currently in the yellow or orange zone
  • I am willing to undertake an online (up to 40 minute) psychological assessment using standardised tools to determine clinical suitability. The results of this will ONLY be available to the program facilitators.
  • I am willing to participate in a comprehensive evaluation process led by the University of Canberra which will include a repeat of the psychological assessment surveys at six weeks and six months post program.
  • I am willing to undertake a 30-minute face-to-face interview with a program facilitator to assess personal suitability.
  • I understand the program takes place in a small group setting with nine other emergency service workers and is based on narrative therapy.
  • I have a significant other (partner, parent, sibling or friend) willing to offer support after the program and to participate in a group discussion for evaluation purposes.
  • I understand that if selected to participate I will be required to provide informed consent and commitment to the principles of the program which included being totally present for the four days without interruption, and that alcohol and non-prescription drugs are not allowed throughout the program.
Checklist Agreement*
By checking "I agree" you confirm you comply with the items in the checklist.


Respond in less than 250 words please.