VICSES is a volunteer-based organisation, providing emergency assistance to minimise the impact of emergencies and strengthen the community’s capacity to plan, respond and recover when emergencies occur – 365 days a year, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
VICSES volunteers are significant contributors to the economic and social wellbeing of Victoria. With more than 5,000 passionate, dedicated and engaged volunteers and staff, and a footprint covering all of the state, VICSES support extends to even the most remote communities.
VICSES is the control agency for flood, storm, tsunami, earthquake and landslide throughout Victoria, and provide the largest Road Crash Rescue (RCR) network in Australia, with 103 accredited RCR principal provider units across the state. Operating since 1950, VICSES is a key leader in emergency management. VICSES provides assistance to all areas of Victoria via 150 units, and permanently staffed and strategically placed offices across the state, led by the executive management team and corporate business support staff located at the Victorian Head Office in Southbank, Melbourne
Mental Health & Wellbeing
VICSES are currently consulting with their members on the Mental Health and Wellbeing framework, which will guide the organisation over the next three years. The focus of the framework is to increase the promotion of mental health and wellbeing factors across all aspects of the organisation and develop protective factors that assist the organisation to have greater member and organisation resilience and sustainability. The main areas of focus are: Leadership, Organisational practices and psychosocial risk management.
Collaborating with ESF
Collaborating with our Emergency Service partners allows us to learn from all the great work and research that has been completed across the sector. It also allows the shared experiences to contribute to and develop unique initiatives for the sector.
Contact details
Rachel Treeby
Manager Mental Health and Wellbeing | Victorian Head Office
168 Sturt Street. Southbank Victoria 3006 |
P: (03) 9256 9059 M: 0407 632 927