Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) is a modern fire and rescue service that meets the needs of 21st century Victoria. Established on 1 July 2020 as part of Victoria’s Fire Services Reforms, we serve and protect communities across Melbourne and Victoria’s major regional centres.
There are 85 FRV fire and rescue stations across the state and our firefighters operate 47 fire stations in metropolitan Melbourne and 38 regional stations, most of which are co-located with CFA volunteer brigades.
FRV responds to a wide range of incidents including fires, complex rescues, road crashes, emergency medical calls and hazardous chemical spills.
Our people are highly trained and ready to respond to emergencies across Victoria, Australia and around the world.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Fire Rescue Victoria is committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all employees, retirees, and their families.
We provide access to various support services to assist with work-related and/or personal issues.
Our suite of services includes the Peer Support Network, In-House Psychology Services providing short term counselling, leadership and performance coaching, Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and Chaplaincy support.
FRV continues to build employees’ resilience through early intervention and prevention initiatives such as station wellbeing checks and the delivery of mental health literacy programs.
Collaborating with ESF
Our partnership with the Emergency Services Foundation provides opportunities for collaboration and insight into the mental health support systems and practices across the emergency services sector.
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