Emergency Recovery Victoria (ERV) is a new Victorian Government agency, founded in January 2020, that’s wholly focused upon the recovery of bushfire-affected communities. ERV works in partnership with local government and communities to deliver what they need.
ERV works towards recovery outcomes in five areas; environment and biodiversity, building and infrastructure, people and wellbeing, business and economy and Aboriginal culture and healing.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
In the context of COVID-19, Emergency Recovery Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing priorities have included:
- Offering online mental health and wellbeing training for managers and staff through the ERV learning management system
- A daily check-in survey is conducted to see how staff feel as they work remotely
- Pulse surveys to understand staff needs and working environments to tailor support as required
- Provision of Australia Red Cross training ‘Supporting the Supporters’ to all Hub Coordinators, who are based in bushfire-affected communities. This will be rolled out to all ERV staff.
As a new agency, ERV has also been working hard to establish the agency’s Heath, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy, Employee Assistance Program and Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee. All training undertaken by ERV staff is assessed to ensure it aligns to the VPS Mental Health and Wellbeing charter.
Collaborating with ESF
ERV was established as a coordinating agency – collaboration is a core principle of how we work. In our membership of the Emergency Services Foundation, we seek to deepen our collaboration with our emergency services peers to prevent, promote and address the incidence and impact of mental injury among volunteers and workers alike
Contact Details
1800 560 760