Ambulance Victoria is an emergency healthcare service that prides itself on giving our patients the right care at the right place at the right time. The leading-edge clinical practice and lifesaving work of over 4,500 paramedics, 1,300 First Responders and 1000 corporate and support staff underpins our purpose of improving the health outcomes for all Victorians. We provide pre-hospital treatment and ambulance transport for people in urgent medical emergencies and draw upon our clinical expertise and experience to help resolve less-urgent medical issues. Our services were born in the community and community remains at the heart of everything we do.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
At Ambulance Victoria, we understand that the work we do, whilst often rewarding, can also at times be difficult, and we also know that we can’t deliver outstanding care for the community if we do not care for ourselves.
Guided by our Mental Health and Wellbeing Action Plan (MHAP) 2019-2022, which continues to build on our previous strategy, we remain focused of providing evidence-based programs, education and support to our staff, volunteers and their immediate family members. With a clear emphasis on building resilience, providing early interventions, building on our existing strengths and partnering for success – we are working to reduce the stigma and impact of mental health illness and injury, to enable happy and healthy people delivering great care to the community.
Collaborating with ESF
Collaboration with the sector through ESF strengthens our collective knowledge base and ability to be at the leading edge of supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the people serving in the emergency services sector. It also expands the options of resources and support to our people.
Contact Details
Wellbeing and support services at Ambulance Victoria