6 Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework 7 Principles for a holistic approach to wellbeing Recognising the consistent themes identified in the research, the Systems Framework offers a holistic approach to retirement through a commitment to three key principles: 1. Apply a whole career cycle approach to promote adjustment in retirement by ... a. ‘Normalising’ discussions on retirement and taking actions at each career stage to facilitate effective transition to retirement when ready. The evidence tells us that investing time and effort into early planning for retirement leads to better mental health outcomes post-retirement. b. Promoting work-life balance at each career stage to enhance meaning, social connections and identity beyond work. This might include flexible work options or different job types to meet an individual’s aspirations. c. Promoting and supporting mental and physical health throughout career stages to reduce the build-up of trauma and other forms of ill health. 2. Apply a systems approach involving the individual (and family), management, agency, and sector by .... a. Considering activities the sector can take for consistent and collective improvement, whether through policy development, management guidelines, sector-wide training and/or sector-wide promotional activities (e.g. the Well Beyond coaching program). b. Recognising that individuals’ socio-emotional ‘ecosystems’ (i.e. family and friends) play a significant role in retirement adjustment and are impacted by it. Workplace interventions to support retirement for wellbeing should involve partners, children, and significant others who may support the retirement journey. 3. Recognise that wellbeing encompasses a range of dimensions (see Well Beyond Flourishing wheel) by … a. Supporting personnel to plan appropriately for a retirement that takes into consideration the full spectrum of wellbeing needs. This will give emergency service workers a better chance of flourishing in retirement. Critical to this is the provision of opportunities to help process accumulated trauma. What is meant by holistic wellbeing? A holistic approach to wellbeing considers the multiple dimensions that research tells will promote a fulfilling and satisfying life in retirement. Positive psychologists use the term ‘Flourishing’ to describe functioning at the upper limits of wellbeing. For emergency service workers, however, achieving these upper limits is only possible when accumulated trauma is first identified and processed. ESF created the Well Beyond Flourishing Wheel to draw attention to sector-specific mental health needs (i.e. prolonged exposure to trauma and other work-related factors known to impact wellbeing), as well as broader wellbeing considerations. It can be used to support emergency service workers in planning to achieve more holistic wellbeing. WELL BEYOND FLOURISHING FINANCES LEARNING PHYSICAL HEALTH LEISURE Creating new meaning and purpose post career is essential for self esteem and can be paid or unpaid and helps to address loss of identity common amongst emergency workers. Finacial wellbeing is the most common focus for retirement planning. It requires skills in managing money, navigating Centrelink and adjusting to no longer earning a salary. MEANING & PURPOSE Good mental health is central to retirement wellbeing. Emergency service personnel need support to psychologically adjust including identifying and resolving any trauma they may have accumulated through work. MENTAL HEALTH (Trauma Informed) Investment in personal relationships and networks outside the o ce is essential for good mental health and to address social isolation. SOCIAL CONNECTION Ongoing learning.keeps the mind / brain muscle active and can be achieved through informal or formal activities Leisure activities bring joy, relaxation or excitement and are integral to wellbeing. Physical Care is central to maintaining strength and o setting health risks associated with aging. Good physical health benefits mental health and can be a link for social connections.