12 Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework 13 Table B: Key Actions for Human Resources Appropriate human resource policies and procedures are critical for building an enabling environment for employees to flourish in retirement. An enabling environment includes policies and procedures that promote physical and mental health, help build a culture that values older workers and normalises retirement conversations, and equips team leaders with the knowledge and skills to support the implementation of the actions in Table A. Table B provides a list of actions for developing policies, practices and programs to enable and empower team members to maintain good mental and physical health throughout the career and plan and prepare for retiring well. This table also provides the evidence-based rationale for the recommended actions and links to resources (templates, guidebooks, and tools) to inspire and guide their implementation. ACTION ACTIVITIES RATIONALE RESOURCES 2 Provide access to a holistic induction program. Develop a comprehensive induction program that: • frames the career as an individual journey (with a beginning and end) • acknowledges the mental toll of emergency service work • stresses the importance of maintaining good mental and physical health to build resilience • helps people identify the transferable skills they will develop. • Promotes services available to support wellbeing and healthy transitions Induction programs are an opportunity to establish expectations and communicate supports available. This includes communicating the idea of a career as a journey (with a beginning and end), and equipping employees to maintain good levels of mental and physical health throughout their career in preparation for the endpoint. It is also an opportunity to address the assumption that work in the emergency services is a job for life. 3 Offer mental health and wellbeing support appropriate to all career stages. Create opportunities for individuals to identify and effectively process trauma as it occurs. Create opportunities to educate and build skills to support mental fitness. Develop a suite of support options to accommodate the diverse needs of individuals. Take a systems approach to wellbeing that considers the various workplace factors known to impact individual wellbeing. Train and make managers accountable for conducting structured and unstructured wellbeing check ins. Embed wellbeing in policies, procedures and manager leadership position descriptions – consider the core competencies you want mangers and leaders to demonstrate. Trauma accumulation is a significant barrier to retirement adjustment. Regular mental health check ins are critical to prevent trauma build up, especially when coupled with timely and effective mental health support. Mental fitness is mediated by organisational factors, and not just exposure to violent, dangerous, or distressing incidents. One size does not fit all – aside from EAPs different options should be provided to support wellbeing among diverse personnel. Initiating and normalising wellbeing conversations breaks down mental health stigma and promotes help-seeking behaviours which, in turn, improves organisational performance and culture. Health checks at the end of career can encourage preventative health practices and provide a documented benchmark for potential health and mental changes in retirement. Keep your eye on developments in ESF’s: • Leading for Better Mental Health • Residential Wellbeing Program Life Checks for 45-64 years and 65+ years. Check out ESF’s Knowledge Hub pages for a list of services, programs and information in relation to: • Mental Health Support – general • Coping with Trauma • Programs and research that highlight quick and long wins for improving workplace mental health • Wellbeing resources for retirement (health, meaning and purpose, identity, social connections etc) • Guided meditations designed for emergency service workers Mindarma – e-learning program for an early intervention approach ACTION ACTIVITIES RATIONALE RESOURCES 1 Develop older worker and retirement policy and management guide. Develop policies to support older workers and retirement and associated resources, such as manager guides, for policy implementation. This should include: • Provision of flexible working arrangements and other options to assist with transitioning to retirement. • Support for employees to start retirement planning early. • Establishing protocols for celebrations and recognition of service • Establishing protocols for manager debrief and exit interview A policy that outlines the special needs of older and retiring personnel is critical for flourishing in retirement. A policy that recognises the benefits of older workers promotes the ability to attract and retain employees. Ceremonies and celebrations informed by the debrief process recognise the contribution made by the individual to the service and bring closure to career by symbolically structuring the move from one phase of life to the next in a respectful way. Ageing Workforce Ready have developed a template for creating a retirement policy. They have also developed a manager guide to support the implementation of a retirement policy, and a change management brochure to support the development of a new policy, how do consultation, get buy in etc. Ageing Workforce Ready have developed conversation guides for mangers to talk about late career and retirement. The Victorian Human Right Commission have summarised the section on Older Workers in the Equal Opportunity Act in a brochure. It covers topics like what is age discrimination (and examples), rights to flexible work and reasonable accommodation, and how to make a complaint to the Commission. The Australian Human Rights Commission have developed fact sheets, recommendations and posters for workplaces to understand and promote the rights of older workers; build multigenerational workplaces; know their obligations to support older workers; and debunk myths around older workers.