10 Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework 11 RECRUITMENT, INDUCTION, EARLY CAREER To establish an understanding of how the agency will support wellbeing throughout the career cycle and beyond AIM ACTIVITY To prompt individuals to give thought to their future and support mental fitness To support individuals to proactively plan for life after service To ensure that transitioning from the agency is a positive experience To ensure the individual feels remembered and valued • Call or meet with the individual at specific intervals post retirement. • Provide access to wellbeing check ins and reactive support via EAP. • Facilitate access to agency Alumni program. • Provide access to professional career transition program and/or peer support coaching. • Create opportunities for retirees to participate in agency activities, including special events and mentoring to share their knowledge and experience with younger workers and volunteers (e.g. mentoring and peer support). MID-CAREER LATE CAREER, APPROACHING RETIREMENT RETIREMENT AND THE PRIOR TWO MONTHS UP TO 24 MONTHS POSTRETIREMENT • Provide information about the importance of self-care for wellbeing and resilience and early help-seeking. • Provide information about and access to a range of wellbeing and career supports. • Introduce the process of career conversations and planning. • Provide access to induction program for employee and family that outlines agency commitment to well being. • Encourage superannuation check and discussions to establish preliminary goals for retirement and exploring options to maximise savings for the future. • Host career conversations and planning to identify how work goals can support life goals. • Encourage regular self-care ‘check-ins’ (physical and mental health) with proactive and reactive support. • Encourage superannuation checks and discussions to encourage refinement of financial goals. • Host retirement planning conversations with trained manager to identify options for flexible work. • Introduce individual to ESF Well Beyond coaching program, or agency’s retirement transition/ alumni programs. • O er professional career planning and career transition support to all those retiring from service. • Participate in pre-retirement health checks, including mental health assessment. • Host informal debrief conversations to capture career highlights and challenges and gather meaningful insights for ‘rite of passage’ or celebratory activity/event. • Provide ‘rite of passage’ or celebratory activity/event that provides respectful acknowledgement of career achievements with family and colleagues. • Provide agency retirement checklist and monitor the implementation of the retirement checklist. • Provide mental/physical health assessment check and plan. • Diarise check-ins with the individual post-retirement (e.g. 3 months and 12 months post-exit). • Conduct a comprehensive and holistic exit interview • Gather and record post retirement contact details. Table A: Key Actions for Team Leaders Table A identifies actions that team leaders can take, across all career-stages, to support individuals to flourish in retirement. The rationale for most of these actions, together with resources to guide and inspire team leaders to implement them, are outlined in the following table.