ESF Strategic Plan 2025 - 2030

13 Thriving Grow ESF as a high-value future ready organisation We will continue to thrive. Building on ESF’s early legacy, we’ve transformed our focus over recent years and we’re ready for more. We aim to serve as a trusted destination for mental health and wellbeing knowledge and action across the emergency management sector. People are our heartbeat, and our culture must reflect our purpose. We’ll continue to be deeply inclusive in all that we do. We’ll operate a commercially resilient and future-focused organisation that embraces strategic thinking, innovation and new ideas. And we’ll enable success with strong governance and clear decision-making to grow and demonstrate our positive impact. We are the current stewards of ESF, an organization that is set to thrive into the future. ESF established a Mental Health Advisory Group to provide clinical guidance to our work. The calibre of people ESF was able to attract to this Group is reflected in the expertise they have provided in guiding important initiatives such as the Residential Wellbeing Program pilot. This is a clear sign of maturity and growth in ESF’s development, and they have been instrumental to our choices, design of programs, and direction. Our strategic pillars in action