ESF Strategic Plan 2025 - 2030

11 Navigators Promote workplace systems that protect and support mental health and wellbeing We’re navigators. Our sector has unique challenges in its purpose, design, and exposure to risk. While organisations work hard to reduce risk and prevent harm, the evidence tells us that workplace systems have a significant influence on people’s mental health and wellbeing. We know that shifting to a systems is complex. As research and knowledge in protective factors and safer workplace systems advances, we will work with the emergency management sector to explore good practice and share what works. We also believe that collectively tracking the impact of initiatives and change is both possible and highly valuable and will promote this sectorwide opportunity. As part of the sector, each organisation has its own strategy to address mental health and wellbeing. ESF undertook work in partnership with Phoenix Australia to form a high-level snapshot of the range of programs and services available, across the domains of prevention, early identification and intervention, treatment, return to work and transition. Areas of unmet need where collaboration or new initiatives could occur were revealed and helped ESF prioritise work in areas such as families. This work is being further developed to provide leaders with a sector wide view of how mental health and wellbeing is being prioritised and addressed to help avoid duplication and support smaller agencies. Our strategic pillars in action