ESF Strategic Plan 2025 - 2030

Innovators Advance mental health and wellbeing initiatives that respond to shared challenges We’re innovators. Our dedicated focus on mental health and wellbeing in the emergency management sector means we bring and continually build a deeper understanding of shared challenges and needs. We consistently translate knowledge, evidence and emerging good practice into initiatives tailored for emergency management workplaces and people. We aim to serve always as a complementary team with emergency management organisations as they deliver their diverse workplace health and wellbeing programs and services. To achieve our goals, we’re always exploring, listening, learning and sharing. We innovate, pilot and evaluate new approaches every year, and work hard to develop successful, practical solutions that our sector can adopt longer term. 10 ESF’s study into people preparing to retire built a new understanding of how employers could better support the many people struggling with their transition to retirement. In a codesign process ESF developed and piloted its groundbreaking Well Beyond Program which trained recent retirees to coach people approaching retirement. With a focus on four key areas of identified need - dealing with accumulated trauma, maintaining a sense of purpose, social connection, and financial preparedness – the program has been integrated as service offering by agencies. Our strategic pillars in action