ESF Well Beyond Strategy Framework

18 Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework 19 ACTION APPLICATION Develop a transition to retirement resource Create copy for a leading practice transition to retirement resource that can be tailored by agencies Co-ordinate and promote sector wide events and activities for positive mental health and flourishing in retirement Provide the opportunity for people from across the sector to attend a retirement expo with their partners. Advocate for superannuation to not penalise phased retirement Advocate for changes to superannuation rules that penalise not working full time up until one’s retirement date. These rules deter flexible and reduced work options and so prevent the best practice technique of phased transitions to retirement. Provide support for better older worker data and analytics. Develop metrics for consistent tracking and reporting on ageing workforce issues and trends. Develop sector wide insights from collated data for understanding trends and promoting strategic actions to promote the health and wellbeing of older workers and flourishing in retirement. Table C: Key Actions for the Sector Table C outlines some actions that to the sector may consider progressing, potentially through collaborating with the Emergency Services Foundation. ACTION ACTIVITIES RATIONALE RESOURCES 14 Establish protocols for celebrations and recognition of service Agency to create clear policy and processes for retirement announcements and celebrations. Celebrations can be formal or informal depending on the wishes of the employee. Look to google for ideas for retirement celebrations Professionals, event planners, celebrants and others who craft rites of passage, can be contracted for support. 15 Create and fund a position (or a clear and supported remit within an existing role) for retirement wellness officer Establish a dedicated role to support employees to retire well including: • Supporting, checking in and following up on an individual’s retirement plans • Maintaining regular communication with retirees via e-mail or a newsletter • Collating and distributing retirement-related information • Check ins catch ups with retired employees • Creating opportunities and inviting retirees to participate in agency activities. Allocating resources to a dedicated position to support older and transitioning members keeps a line of sight over retirement wellbeing, provides personal and stable support for older and transitioning workers, and co-ordinates planning activities to ensure greater success in retirement adjustments. 16 Better data and analytics Develop and strengthen retirement related data and analytics to provide agencies with information for strategic planning purposes. Agencies might collect data by including items in employee opinion surveys that capture beliefs and behaviours relating to retirement from across the career spectrum. New retirement related initiative to be evaluated with rigour. Feedback from post-retirement ‘check-in’ conversations is a rich source of data to inform continuous improvement of transitions program. Ageing Workforce Ready have developed three resources to build “people metrics” which can be used to support decision-making. • The Metrics Dictionary has examples of the types of data that may be relevant in an ageing workforce dashboard. • The Dashboard Introduction document outlines process for designing, creating and updating dashboard • The Report Example illustrates how a report could look once it has been designed and created. Better Evaluation is a web-based resource for finding methods to answer your evaluation questions and processes to plan and implement an evaluation.