ESF Well Beyond Strategy Framework

14 Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework Well Beyond Transition to Retirement Systems Framework 15 ACTION ACTIVITIES RATIONALE RESOURCES 6 Develop flexible work policy and manager guides and training. Improve, expand or create a flexible work policy Flexible work can assist transition to retirement and might include: • Being assigned less physical work and other forms of ‘job crafting’ • Opportunity to reduce hours through job share or a move from full to part-time employment. • Opportunity to reduce or cease shift work. Develop and train team leaders in how to negotiate and manage flexible work to accommodate the needs of the organisation and the individual. Flexible work is a key mechanism to support older workers and consideration must be given to addressing the perception that flexible work is challenging for managers and rostering and demonstrates a lack of commitment to the job and the team. As employees become older, lifestyle benefits are often prioritised over financial benefits, Flexibility to take time off to travel or for caring responsibilities can become more important. Providing opportunities for older workers to work flexibly mitigates the wellbeing risks of sudden departure, allowing employees to adjust and orient to life after service. This is because modifying standard working arrangements to better accommodate the needs and preferences of older and transitioning employees allows employees to: • explore new sources of social connection, meaning and purpose which mitigates the stress of loss that many workers grapple with after leaving their agency • fosters healthy transitions and encourages positive attitudes towards the organisation which translates to productive engagement with work towards the end of service. Ageing Workforce Ready have developed a template for creating a flexible work policy. They have also developed a manager guide to support the implementation of a flexible work policy, and a change management brochure to support the development of a new policy, how do consultation, get buy in etc. Ageing Workforce Ready have developed conversation guides for mangers to talk about flexible work. VIcSES have adapted a tool for designing work to accommodate the needs of diverse workers and volunteers. This tool, which they adapted from a Canadian tool, is great example of an organisational tool that can assist older and retiring volunteers and workers stay or transition out. Ageing Workforce Ready have also developed the following resources to have conversations around and help employees plan for flexible work: • fact sheet • conservation guide for employees to negotiate flexible work (to share with employees) 7 Two stage exit interview. This action has two components: For HR, exit interviews create a checklist to guide career debrief conversations: • Opting in option for ongoing agency contact • Provide transition information • L ink member to support services. For line managers, career debrief: • For a wellbeing check-in • To hear what the employee considers to be standout achievements of their career (to be used in celebratory speeches and notes) • What they would like for a retirement celebration • If they would like their manager/ team to stay in touch and/or kept in the loop about events for future involvement • To demonstrate authentic care and respect for the person Exit interviews are a critical opportunity to: • check in to identify preparedness or vulnerability in retirement • tailor recognition and celebration approach for individual • capture intellectual capital • ascertain level of interest for ongoing connection with agency and to get contact details and permission to keep in touch. • Opportunity to demonstrates their manager listens and cares about them, and their contribution to the agency. Canada Life have produced a brochure around how to have exit interviews ACTION ACTIVITIES RATIONALE RESOURCES 4 Support team leaders to have the time and tools to support their team members plan and prepare for retirement Support managers with training and resources to feel confident and skilled in helping employees to think about and plan for end-of-career and transition to retirement. Provide resources to help employees prepare for retirement and plan holistically from mid-tolate career. Support employees to have conversations with their superannuation provider in addition to providing other supports in the form of online resources, group sessions and 1:1 support including ESF’s retirement coaching peer support. Build accountability for wellbeing and career conversations into PDs for all team leaders /managers. Establish a process to monitor delivery of wellbeing, career and retirement conversations Provide training and tools to build confidence and capacity in team leaders to have conversations around pre-retirement and retirement planning. Early planning and preparation that accounts for all dimensions of wellbeing (not only finances) is inked to better mental health outcomes in retirement. Team leaders are the first point of contact for employees and the best placed to notice signs of struggle and check in around career, health and other issues that, when addressed and planned for, can promote positive experiences of transitions and retirement The ‘Retirement for employees’ page in ESF’s Knowledge Hub has a broad range of tools, fact sheets and worksheets to share with employees to help them plan for all aspects of wellbeing in transition to retirement, including finances. Ageing Workforce Ready has developed a guide for managers to help them support employees plan and also reset their retirement plans if they get derailed by unexpected events or decision paralysis. ESF’s Well Beyond Transition to Retirement peer coaching program Ageing Workforce Ready have developed guides for HR teams and line managers in the areas of pre-retirement and retirement conversations. 5 Make available professional career planning and career transition support for employees retiring from service. Develop policies, training and/or programs to ensure access to career transition support. Transitioning employees can feel lost and unsure about what work (paid or volunteer) they can do when they leave the organisation. Connecting employees to paid or volunteer work can provide new sources of meaning, social connection, and self-esteem from identifying and applying transferable skills. Private service providers such as War on Wasted Talent, Changing Gears, Career Management Services, Right Management and Fortem’s employment and transition support have special services to coach, mentor and support older workers find work, change careers, or start new businesses.